auditorium of the Palazzo dei Congressi
Piazza Adua, Florence
Events Regional PD
The Tuscany for a new Italy
participate the National Secretary
Walter Veltroni
Given the contents of devices approved by the Constituent Assembly and national and regional Given the decision by the Regional Secretary in consultation with the National Secretary, Coordination of PD in Tuscany, made by the Secretary and the regional coordinators and regional interim , took the following decisions for the conduct of the Meetings of the Working base:
1. Timing From December 5, 2007 has launched a "Campaign for the construction of the Democratic Party of Tuscany": all citizens included in the voter registration of the October 14 primary can request and receive a Certificate of "Founder of the Democratic Party." It is for Local Coordination determine the mode of delivery and timing of initiatives for the distribution of certificates. The Regional Coordination will take responsibility to inform, in the form they deem appropriate, all the primary voters to such initiatives and methods of delivery of the Certificates. The Regional Executive shall promote, in this sense a communication campaign on the whole of Tuscany. The delivery of certificates continues even after the holding of meetings of the Working and until the start of mode to join the PD to be set by the national statutes. From 12 December to 31 January are convened by the Regional Coordination provisional agreement with the Regional Secretary, the Assemblies of Circles base. The Assemblies of the Circles of the same municipality should tend to be held on the same day. Upon receipt of the Certificate, for each Founder shall be notified of the date and place of performance of their assemblies. and no later than February 10 after the holding of the Assemblies of the respective base circles, are called the Coordination of Circle and municipal assemblies. Calendar of Meetings', of the Coordinators of the Working and municipal assemblies, including its presidents / guarantors and opening times of polling, was adopted by the Regional Coordination. By Feb. 24, but not after the holding of the Meetings of the Assemblies of the respective clubs and the municipalities under its jurisdiction, shall be held at the Territorial Assembly. The timing of regional assemblies is determined by the Regional Secretary, in consultation with the respective presidents and interim coordinators.
2. Forms of participation of those who voted in the primaries of 14 October The voters of the Democratic Party who did not participate in the primaries on October 14 but intend to make their contribution to the work of building the Party in the territory, to participate with voting rights at meetings of the basis, must apply in person all'Utap the certificate of "Founder of the Democratic Party" no later than the day before the performance of its Assembly. To do this task dell'Utap make public the terms and times of access to its offices.
3. Organization in the territory and sphere of competence of the Meetings of the Working basic Coordination Territorial down roots and safe modes of organization of the PD in of jurisdiction. The scope of jurisdiction of each circle base, which generally corresponds to that of one or more seats in the Oct. 14 primary, is determined by the Regional Coordination. Consequently, they can participate in meetings of a club belonging to the voters of the seats that circle. Each Founder is part of a single circle base.
4. Conduct of meetings can participate with voting rights all the Founders of the territorial reality on which the club was responsible. The meetings are held in a public speech and the right must also be ensured non-founders. Certificates "Founder of the Democratic Party" can be removed from the voters in the Oct. 14 primary, even during the conduct of meetings. In addition to voting, the assembly must include a space dedicated to the debate to address every aspect of construction and the roots of the Party in the territory. The Assembly may forward to the Commissions established by the Regional Constituent Assembly, contributions and documents relevant to their work of drafting the constitution and the manifesto of the Democratic Party in Tuscany. President / Supervisor opening illustrates how the present order of the meeting and its tasks and states formally established the Circle basic PD, pending the final configuration that will be determined after the approval of the Statutes national and regional levels. The Assembly is required, pursuant to the following points, to the election of delegates to municipal assemblies and territorial.
5. Coordinating Circle belong to the coordination of club members elected in the law and municipal and territorial belonging to the club itself.
6. Municipal assemblies of PD delegates are elected in the municipal law in the Assembly constituent assemblies national and regional residents in the municipality and the mayor and the municipal PD Parent (or, if the PD group unit of the center) and, if residing in the town, the President of the Province and the provincial parent company of PD, the Regional Councillors and MPs belonging to groups of PD. There are also delegates of the communal rights of the coordinators of the Working basis of PD. for each municipality, the Coordination territorial states in agreement with the Regional Secretary, the number of voters in the primaries of 14 October for the Regional Constituent Assembly, through which triggered a delegate to be elected in the municipal assembly. This number does not exceed 150. Each Assembly elects Circle, in the manner described in paragraph 8, a number of delegates equal to the amount of voters in the primaries, and divided that number rounded to the superior only if the decimal remainder is greater than 50. In any case, for each assembly of club it is at least one delegate to the Assembly Hall.
7. Regional or provincial assemblies of PD Assembly territorial rights are part of the members of existing regional coordination. They are also entitled to delegates in the Assembly municipal territorial Secretaries of PD. Coordination territorial determine the number of voters in the primaries October 14 Regional for the Constituent Assembly, through which triggered a delegate to be elected in the territorial assembly. This number does not exceed 300. Each municipality is assigned a number of delegates equal to the amount of voters in the primaries, and divided that number rounded to the superior only if the decimal remainder is greater than 50. In any case, it is common for each at least one delegate to the Assembly area. delegates allocated to each municipality shall be divided between the Assemblies of the respective clubs, with the number of voters on Oct. 14 for the Regional Constituent Assembly. Each Assembly elects its delegates in the manner described in paragraph 8.
The candidatures to delegate to the municipal level and / or may be produced or all'Utap territorial jurisdiction the day before the House of the Circle, in the manner made dall'Utap public itself, or the President of the Club within 60 minutes after the basic work of the Assembly. Each candidate may stand as a candidate in a single assembly, possibly different from that which appears to have accepted the Certificate of Founder. Every candidate, except pain, must have accepted the certificate of "Founder of the Democratic Party." The vote of those present at the Founding Assembly takes place in secret form. Each Founder has one vote for a man and a vote for a woman. The lists are prepared by the Regional Coordination graphically and contain two blank spaces to indicate explicitly the two names. In the premises of the Assembly must be displayed lists of candidates and candidates for delegate to the municipal level and the local level. The vote takes place during the hours defined as 1 point, possibly over several days and regardless of the duration of the debate in the House. Based on the number of votes received and in accordance with the rule on equality between the sexes, we proceed to the identification of the elect. The difference in the number of elected members of the opposite sex can not be more than one unit would nullify the vote of the club. At the end of the Assemblies of a municipality, it will make any kind of balance, adding a number of delegates or delegate sufficient to make the meeting on an equal footing between the two genres. In making such an equilibrium is treated as the first unelected assembly made for each order given by the number of votes received personal. similar balance must be made to the local level.
9. Election Co-ordinators of Circles, of settlement and the territorial Secretaries On the basis of audience defined in paragraphs 6, 7 and 8, and in accordance with the timetable laid down in paragraph 1, will be called the Coordination of Club for the election of Coordinators and Club the municipal and regional assemblies for the election of the respective Secretaries. In reality consist of a single local club, the Coordinator of the Circle City takes the position of Coordinator. President / Supervisor establishes a time limit of no more than 15 minutes of opening the work with the submission of applications. Applications must be accompanied by not less than 5% and not more than 10% of signatures from delegates. They may also be candidates who are not part of its Shareholders, provided they have accepted the certificate of "Founder of PD." At the end of the minutes provided, the President gave the floor to the candidates in the order of presentation, giving them the same time to submit his statement of intent. At the end of these actions will open the polling station to vote. The voting and counting procedures are handled by two or more tellers identified by the President. At the end of the election the President shall immediately read result. If no candidate has been voted by the majority of those present, he shall immediately turn ballot among the top two candidates. regard to the Coordinators of movement and municipal secretaries, if there are no nominations or if the second round has a null outcome, the territorial secretary, elected according to section 9, pro-tempore shall appoint a coordinator to manage the business until the first congress of the Democratic Party.
10. Using lists of voters in the primaries and lists of founders lists of voters in the primaries and the list of founders are the exclusive property of the Regional Treasurer of the Democratic Party and must be delivered when the work was completed digitizing by Utap. The only Utap permitted to other use without prior authorization is for the convening of the Meetings and actions of the party for the distribution of the Certificates. All other uses must be approved in advance by the Regional Treasurer, and must still meet the criteria of impartiality, transparency and protection of privacy.
11. Watchdog and organizational support The provincial technical and administrative offices for the Oct. 14 primary, in addition to the duties described in this article, shall supervise the proper conduct of operations described in this equipment and support the Coordinator and the head provisional territorial organization in the work of realization of each step. Individual members of Utap Livorno and Lucca are responsible for the only territory in which they reside. The Regional Board of Trustees decides on disputes arising during the application of the rules contained in this device, and ensure the fair and impartial proceedings. Any complaints or appeals may be submitted by each participant, the Regional Board of Trustees within 48 hours after the allegations. The Trustees are pronounced without appeal within 48 hours.
12. Regulation of election campaigns The behavior of candidates for each office must be guided by criteria of simplicity, fairness and respect for the party and any other entity involved. is not in any event, admitted by every candidate for every role in the mailings and the publication of paid advertising or electioneering on broadcast media, newspapers or other print media and information, and in any case are not allowed campaigning involving personal spending.
13. Voluntary contributions Upon receipt of the Certificate, for each Founder will be asked to fund a voluntary contribution the constituent phase and the building efforts of the Democratic Party in the territory. These contributions are transferred to the Territorial Treasurer: returns them to 20% at the municipal level at the time of the appointment of the municipal treasurer of the Democratic Party, for 70% remain available to the Regional Coordination also fund activities to promote the Country construction of the PD, the remaining 10% is transferred to the Treasurer for the funding of regional initiatives within the same PD Tuscan Countryside.
1. assemblies of voters October 14, for the local region of the Democratic Party will be held during the months of December and January.
2. The level of PD are the roots of the local clubs. The definition of "local club" is considered provisional as the final name will be listed in the statutes.
3. Circles that will be formed in this first year of settlement land will base corresponding to that electoral boundaries established with objective criteria, by the provincial committee. This will mean that each club afferiranno one or more polling stations for the Oct. 14 primary.
4. Within the defined time point 1 will be invited to participate in meetings of local clubs all voters on October 14 which will receive a certificate of participation, prepared and distributed by the National Democratic Party.
5. These assemblies will elect delegates to the Provincial Assembly. In reality in which they will form a single circle at the municipal territory, the Assembly will elect its coordination. Where the provincial coordination has established, in consultation with the Regional Coordination, the existence of multiple clubs in the same city you will be able to elect delegates to the municipal level
6. The audience is composed of the sum of the Provincial Assembly of Delegates of the circles and coordination existing provincial, municipal or while the area is composed of delegates only. To these audiences the election of the responsible secretaries of the corresponding levels of the organization.
7. The voting rules of the club meetings will be decided by the regional coordinators.
8. the regional secretariats in consultation with the provincial coordinators provide an objective criterion for defining the size of provincial audiences.
9. How established in this resolution to the provincial organizations also applies to regional organizations to set up and assimilated by the provincial regional constituent assemblies.
Sunday, November 25, 2007How To Build Own Rc Car
Andrea Barden elected Coordinator of the Metropolitan PD
Democrats of the Left - Union Area Valdisieve
Thursday, November 22, 2007Monday, November 12, 2007Sunday, November 4, 2007Utility Trailer Free Blueprints
's post on Sunday will be devoted to celebrations of the week. We will do this primarily by taking the data out by the afNews ( ) and we thank them publicly for have already reported this little blog three times since its creation in the most important news of the day ( ). Integrate data with other afNews at our disposal. Michel Motti : born November 7, 1934, in Paris. In the early 80 began to work on Of Mice and Ducks (his return on a permanent basis, on French soil, Macchia Black) for the weekly "Le Journal de Mickey." In addition, between 1985 and 1986, written a series of very brief adventures in which Goofy teaches the history of everyday objects taking his cue from the series of stories written by Bob Foster and colleagues for the Disney Studio. In addition, in 1987 is called to dramatize the comic book version of the animated feature "Taron and the magic pot." In the last years of his working life has written many comics with the characters of the Hundred Acre Wood. On November 7th birthday is also the Italian artists Giorgio Rebuffi (born 1928) and George Figus (1958). Maria José Sánchez Núñez : born on 8 November 1961. Employee of the Danish Egmont (his stories and then come out with the code D), the blog recently has dealt with him as the designer of the story "Miss Trouvetou" (D 2005-206) in which, remember, Archim ede is transformed into a woman. John Carey: Died in Sepulveda, California on November 11, 1987. Born in St. Louis, Missouri, June 4, 1935, he worked since 1950 with the Western. Author of almost all the comics with Winnie The Pooh (pictured right) for the monthly magazine of the same name, Carey introduced in the 70's, some stories have only Carl Barks wrote. Saturday, November 3, 2007Problems After Birth In The Dog
On 23 October the publisher Ehapa, holder of the rights of Disney comics in Germany, has released a volume of 100 pages dedicated to Luciano Bottaro. This is the tenth issue of the series "Die Geschichten von Donald Duck tollsten Spezial" a head like , at least in concept, our "Maestri Disney" in just after Christmas, we await the exit 35. Except Marco Rota, a tribute in the number 8, the output is the first Bottaro dedicated to an Italian author: previous numbers were in fact devoted, in addition to Rota and two special editions on Christmas Don Rosa, Vicar, Van Horn, Daniel Branca, Carl Barks and four authors of the new generation: Francisco Rodriguez Peinado, Cesar Ferioli Pealez, Kari Korhonen and Wanda Kitten. The stories are reprinted in seven including five written by Charles Chen. Mainly it's stories produced for the Disney Studio, probably because the playback format, are absent topoi Master Ligure: Hazel nothing, nothing Rebo, no deformation or dreamlike adventures, short stories, but mainly to introduce the trait of the author . The stories originally produced for the Mickey Mouse book are remounted on four strips very well (as opposed to what too often happens) and seems to have been produced for that number of cartoons to table. A good job, in short, plus the beautiful lettering Diego Ceresa that ques ta time, writes in italics, two pages of biography, written by Wolfgang J. Fuchs and a reminder of our letter. An excellent book, in short, for German readers who finally have the opportunity to learn a bit 'as an author Luciano Bottaro. Too bad, as already noted, the absence of Bottaro most famous and interesting. The book is currently on sale at newsstands in Germany at a price of Euro 4.50, or - if you're lucky enough to find in Italy - at a cost of 5.90 Euro. The next "Die Geschichten von Donald Duck tollsten Spezial" will be released in Germany in mid-April 2008. Still we do not know who will be dedicated. Personally I hope we also remember the other Disney Italian Masters: Romano Scarpa in the first place, but also Giovan Battista Carpi, Massimo De Vita, and to follow all the others. Friday, November 2, 2007Mod Per Port Royale 2 Patch
Parade Mickey Géant
In mid-October 2007, the French bimonthly "Mickey Géant Parade" reached remarkable milestone of the 300th issue. The cover, which is visible on the right, as usual, is illustrated by the Italian master Giorgio Cavazzano and colored by Cyrille Leriche. Unlike the number 295, released about a year ago, and dedicated to the fortieth anniversary of the magazine, this edition contains no articles devoted to the head, nor does it include stories divided by topics, as was the last occasion. This is because, unlike the number of forty, currently are being tested on two sagas that unfold for multiple outputs, "Wizards of Mickey" (Stefano Ambrosio texts), here retitration "Le cycle des Magicien" episodes 7 and 8 of the first series and the fourth episode of "Dingo World", the saga of "Bis Bis Pippo" written by Alessandro Sisti and published more than a year ago on Mickey Mouse. Pages occupied by these two sagas are a hundred, which would preclude much of the memorial space for other stories. In reality there is a commemorative history: it is "here to volley the 300 MPG?" Or "Who stole Mickey Mouse 2000?" Carlo Panaro written and drawn by Romano Scarpa for over ten years ago, in occasion of the 2000 Mickey Mouse book. The story is obviously adapted to the French public: the gold ingot, in the 2007 version is transformed into cover of the French publication, while the city where the characters go is not Milan, Paris, second the voice of the airport to pg. 14 (Table 9) of the story. If if only .. that pg. 17 (Table 12) is clearly seen the band go into a Disney hotel, close to the Duomo in Milan. Panaro's story also was clearly a tribute to Italy: The first episode takes place in Milan, the second in the Roman countryside, the third in Cortina D'Ampezzo, the fourth and last in Naples again in Milan. The French version, by contrast, mixes a bit 'of this and a bit' of the Saint-Moritz takes the place of the famous city in the province of Belluno, Milan - as already mentioned - becomes Paris, the Roman countryside are forced to remain so for too many references (including Coliseum) be placed within the story, and Amelia must continue to live on Mount Vesuvius. In short, a pout-pourri that can make a masterpiece of Italian indigestible at times recently. well as some gag starring Paperoga page, the editorial team chooses to publish in this special occasion, "Chasse au tresor" or "Phantom Duck and the treasure of Dolly Paprika" by Marco Gervasio. Besides being a tribute to the first story of Phantom Duck, this adventure is a small map of Duckburg: indeed, are many monuments and buildings described previously by Carl Barks ... from Notre Paper to the Lighthouse at Cape Quack, through the Villa Rosa destroyed in the first adventure dedicated to the duck Mask: Phantom Duck and the diabolical avenger. " The number continues then with the story "Cet obscur symbole du pouvoir," the third story of the saga "The troubadours," written by Tito Faraci and drawn by Andrea Freccero Mickey Mouse 2269. sagas are not finished preparing the French public and the eighth installment of the Danish TNT (Tamers of nonhuman Threats) in which Donald Duck & Paperoga, in a surreal context, explore the world of X- Files. The first five stories in the series have been published in Italy, all the MEGA: the first, "Donald, Paperoga and rain blue" hits the number 549, the 551 came out the second "Donald, Paperoga and the alien-change"; " Donald & Paperoga and mice ghost " the third is published on the number 567 and the fourth "Donald Duck, and the mission Paperoga Pipistrellone" the number you see on 580. The last exit in Italy, the number 591 is the fifth: "Donald and Paperoga salvamostri ...." Important details of the story is the continuity of the stories, while not closing with a cliffangher, refer directly to the next adventure. The issue ends with two dedicated all'alterego mini adventures of Mickey Mouse, Michel Souris. In the first, the only dedicated to the anniversary, the editorial in which he works sends him around the city in search of an article to be published on the magazine number 300, the second - this page gags in the fourth Cover - Mickey Mouse sees the rat mistaken for a janitor in a supermarket. The three hundredth release, while containing stories high, all new for the French readers, it has many flaws of varying size that show a much less care than the previous occurrence that affects the Final Judgement. File Recommended to those who collect special issues or who have the curiosity to read the other stories in Italian language, perhaps, to compare the translations. File not recommended for those who look almost maniacal attention to detail and for those who buy Disney cartoons appeared regularly in Italy.
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