Friday, November 2, 2007

Mod Per Port Royale 2 Patch

Parade Mickey Géant

In mid-October 2007, the French bimonthly "Mickey Géant Parade" reached remarkable milestone of the 300th issue.

The cover, which is visible on the right, as usual, is illustrated by the Italian master Giorgio Cavazzano and colored by Cyrille Leriche.

Unlike the number 295, released about a year ago, and dedicated to the fortieth anniversary of the magazine, this edition contains no articles devoted to the head, nor does it include stories divided by topics, as was the last occasion.

This is because, unlike the number of forty, currently are being tested on two sagas that unfold for multiple outputs, "Wizards of Mickey" (Stefano Ambrosio texts), here retitration "Le cycle des Magicien" episodes 7 and 8 of the first series and the fourth episode of "Dingo World", the saga of "Bis Bis Pippo" written by Alessandro Sisti and published more than a year ago on Mickey Mouse. Pages occupied by these two sagas are a hundred, which would preclude much of the memorial space for other stories.

In reality there is a commemorative history: it is "here to volley the 300 MPG?" Or "Who stole Mickey Mouse 2000?" Carlo Panaro written and drawn by Romano Scarpa for over ten years ago, in occasion of the 2000 Mickey Mouse book.

The story is obviously adapted to the French public: the gold ingot, in the 2007 version is transformed into cover of the French publication, while the city where the characters go is not Milan, Paris, second the voice of the airport to pg. 14 (Table 9) of the story. If if only .. that pg. 17 (Table 12) is clearly seen the band go into a Disney hotel, close to the Duomo in Milan. Panaro's story also was clearly a tribute to Italy: The first episode takes place in Milan, the second in the Roman countryside, the third in Cortina D'Ampezzo, the fourth and last in Naples again in Milan. The French version, by contrast, mixes a bit 'of this and a bit' of the Saint-Moritz takes the place of the famous city in the province of Belluno, Milan - as already mentioned - becomes Paris, the Roman countryside are forced to remain so for too many references (including Coliseum) be placed within the story, and Amelia must continue to live on Mount Vesuvius. In short, a pout-pourri that can make a masterpiece of Italian indigestible at times recently.

well as some gag starring Paperoga page, the editorial team chooses to publish in this special occasion, "Chasse au tresor" or "Phantom Duck and the treasure of Dolly Paprika" by Marco Gervasio. Besides being a tribute to the first story of Phantom Duck, this adventure is a small map of Duckburg: indeed, are many monuments and buildings described previously by Carl Barks ... from Notre Paper to the Lighthouse at Cape Quack, through the Villa Rosa destroyed in the first adventure dedicated to the duck Mask: Phantom Duck and the diabolical avenger. " The number continues
then with the story "Cet obscur symbole du pouvoir," the third story of the saga "The troubadours," written by Tito Faraci and drawn by Andrea Freccero Mickey Mouse 2269.
sagas are not finished preparing the French public and the eighth installment of the Danish TNT (Tamers of nonhuman Threats) in which Donald Duck & Paperoga, in a surreal context, explore the world of X- Files. The first five stories in the series have been published in Italy, all the MEGA: the first, "Donald, Paperoga and rain blue" hits the number 549, the 551 came out the second "Donald, Paperoga and the alien-change"; " Donald & Paperoga and mice ghost " the third is published on the number 567 and the fourth "Donald Duck, and the mission Paperoga Pipistrellone" the number you see on 580. The last exit in Italy, the number 591 is the fifth: "Donald and Paperoga salvamostri ...." Important details of the story is the continuity of the stories, while not closing with a cliffangher, refer directly to the next adventure.

The issue ends with two dedicated all'alterego mini adventures of Mickey Mouse, Michel Souris. In the first, the only dedicated to the anniversary, the editorial in which he works sends him around the city in search of an article to be published on the magazine number 300, the second - this page gags in the fourth Cover - Mickey Mouse sees the rat mistaken for a janitor in a supermarket.

The three hundredth release, while containing stories high, all new for the French readers, it has many flaws of varying size that show a much less care than the previous occurrence that affects the Final Judgement.
File Recommended to those who collect special issues or who have the curiosity to read the other stories in Italian language, perhaps, to compare the translations.
File not recommended for those who look almost maniacal attention to detail and for those who buy Disney cartoons appeared regularly in Italy.


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